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The LIMBO Project

The LIMBO Project (Long-term, Intensive Mist-netting and Behavioral Observations) centers around the oldest and longest-running avian mist-netting project in the Neotropics. Past and current work focuses on understanding long-term demographic change in multiple bird species in response to environmental change.

The original project was established in the late 1960s by James Karr (now Emeritus Professor at University of Washington) on a 2-hectare study plot at the site of the former Limbo Hunt Club in Central Panama (named after the Limbo bridge one crosses to get there). Mist-netting has been conducted intensively at the site since 1977. In the mid-1980s, the efforts were taken over by Dr. Jeff Brawn (Professor, University of Illinois) and, in 2018, passed on to Dr. Corey Tarwater. Many have contributed to the Limbo Project over the years, including Dr. Doug Robinson, Dr. Jennifer Nesbitt Styrsky, Mike Libsch, and Dr. Henry Pollock.

Funding sources:

University o Wyoming Berry Biodiversity Institute logo
University of Wyoming logo
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute logo
National Science Foundation logo
Dan examing a red-capped manakin

Ph.D. student Dan Albrecht-Mallinger examining a red-capped manakin (Ceratopipra mentalis)

Limbo Hunt Club in 1983

The Limbo Hunt Club station in 1983 (courtesy of Ellen Snyder)

Crew at LImbo Hunt Club in 1983

The Limbo Hunt Club station in 1983 (courtesy of Ellen Snyder)

Crew at Limbo Hunt Club 1983

The Limbo Hunt Club station in 1983 (courtesy of Ellen Snyder)

Profile image of male antshrike

Male Thamnophilus atrinucha

Recording data on a data sheet

Cellecting data on mass, molt, parasites, and age during the long-term mist-netting efforts.

Male antshrike perched

A young male Thamnophilus atrinucha


Dr. Jeff Brawn (University of Illinoius): lab website

Dr. Patrick Kelley (University of Wyoming)

Kim Jordan (MS student, UW)

Mary De Aquino (MS student, UW)

Footer collage of tropical birds, fruit, an eggs.

© 2018 by Corey Tarwater. Created on the framework.

Contact information

Department of Zoology & Physiology
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071, USA

Email: corey.tarwater [at]

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